This is a rather unconventional bank shot that you can use in the BUNKER.

Often you'll find yourself running back into this room for ammo, so you can use this shot to keep you're opponent back so you can make a break for the more open area.

If you notice in the picture, there is a ridge on the ceiling near the light. This is the spot where you'll need to bank a grenade. Just go into the level yourself and look for the spot.

The result of a well placed shot off the ceiling. At the very least you can use this shot to keep an opponent back so you can get out of the special weapon room.

Another aspect of this bank is that you can make a reverse shot. That is, you can be standing near the spot where the explosion is in the last picture and make the same bank except you will lank the grenade up into the special weapon room. I've made this shot on tape. You can check out the video HERE.