Stairwell of death

Garden courtyard

Rooftop view

Hoverpad dropship

King of the Basement

Pool area


Villa lobby
Carrington Villa Residence and Carrington Villa
Carrington Villa is one of the best solo levels in the game, and it also
doubles as a great multiplayer level as well. Like with Crash Site, I have
chosen to make two different multiplayer levels for Carrington Villa. The
first level is called Carrington Villa Residence and takes place inside the
actual building. This version just has doors and windows and is made to run
at the
best framerate possible. The second level is called Carrington Villa
Rooftop, and allows you to walk around on the roof and some of the outside
areas. It also has lots of objects inside the building, like sofas and
tables to hide behind. Since you have such a good view of the entire level
from the rooftop, this version can lag quite a bit sometimes. If you intend
to play with three or
four players and lots of sims, the best level to play in is Carrington Villa
Residence. You can also lock the doors leading out into the empty parts of
Carrington Villa Residence.
Both Carrington Villa Residence and Carrington Villa Rooftop work in the
same way. To get the codes working with different player amounts you have to
use an enabler. Both codes are longer than 78 lines of code, so you can only
play in the levels if you have a version 3.3 Professional cheating device.
You will need to activate the following hirez enabler if you run these codes
in a
cheating device:
FF72C5A0 0000
FF730000 0000
Make sure any other enablers are off. The PC version enablers have been
tested and work in Project 64. There are two versions of the NTSC enablers.
If you don't know which version you have you just have to try by trial and
error the two enablers.
How to get both codes working:
Enter the code into your cheating device in six different parts. Parts one,
two and three should always be on when you run the code. In Villa Residence
part four is optional, if you want to lock the doors leading to the empty
parts of the level turn it on. The sims shouldn't try to go to the empty
parts even if
the doors are unlocked (unless you give them a good reason, like if you're
holding the briefcase). Part four of Villa Rooftop should always be on. If
you want to play in any scenario BUT Capture the Case, turn part five on,
and leave part six off. If you want to play in just Capture the Case, turn
part six on, and leave part five off.
You also need to activate an enabler which gets the level working. Make sure
you follow the enabler instuctions correctly or the game will freeze. Once
the code is working you can exit and enter the level as many times as you
NTSC Gameshark Enabler:
Version 1.0
D109C7E4 0030
8109940A 0040
D109C7E4 0020
8109940A 0000
D00714DB 0002
8109940A 77D0
D00714DB 0003
8109940A 78A0
D00714DB 0004
8109940A 77D0
Go straight to the Advanced Combat Simulator menu. Select Carrington Villa
with one player but before entering the level press and hold L+R for a few
seconds. When letting go make sure you pull your finger off L before R. Load
the level and quit as soon as possible. Back at the Advanced Menu press and
hold L for a few seconds. Load Carrington Villa with one player again and
quit. The code should work from then on. You can turn on the amount of
players you want to play with. You can also switch between different player
amounts. When switching back to one player mode you have to press L before
loading the level. Allow time for each players independent multiplayer menu
to appear before loading the level. Don't quickly add/remove another player
and start the game before his menu has time to appear/disappear. Don't use
the drop out function.
PAL Action Replay Enabler:
81099958 8042
8109995A 1750
D00717BB 0002
81099958 8042
D00717BB 0002
8109995A 8FA0
D00717BB 0003
81099958 8040
D00717BB 0003
8109995A F070
D00717BB 0004
81099958 8040
D00717BB 0004
8109995A EF30
Go straight to the Advanced Combat Simulator menu. Load Carrington Villa
with one player and quit as soon as possible. Load Carrington Villa with one
player again and quit. The code should work from then on. You can turn on
the amount of players you want to play with. You can also switch between
different player amounts. Allow time for each players independent
multiplayer menu to appear before loading the level. Don't quickly
add/remove another player and start the
game before his menu has time to appear/disappear. Don't use the drop out
NTSC PC Enabler:
Version 1.0
8109940A 0060
D00714DB 0002
8109940A 7830
D00714DB 0003
8109940A 7900
D00714DB 0004
8109940A 7830
Go straight to the Advanced Combat Simulator menu. Load Carrington Villa
with one player and quit as soon as possible. Load Carrington Villa with one
player again and quit. The code should work from then on. You can then turn
on the amount of players you want to play with. Don't switch between
different player amounts. Allow time for each players independent
multiplayer menu to appear before loading the level. Don't quickly
add/remove another player and start the game before his menu has time to
appear/disappear. Don't use the drop out function.
PAL PC Enabler:
81099958 8042
8109995A 17B0
D00717BB 0002
81099958 8042
D00717BB 0002
8109995A 9000
D00717BB 0003
81099958 8040
D00717BB 0003
8109995A F0D0
D00717BB 0004
81099958 8040
D00717BB 0004
8109995A EF90
Go straight to the Advanced Combat Simulator menu. Load Carrington Villa
with one player and quit as soon as possible. Load Carrington Villa with one
player again and quit. The code should work from then on. You can then turn
on the amount of players you want to play with. Don't switch between
different player amounts. Allow time for each players independent
multiplayer menu to appear before loading the level. Don't quickly
add/remove another player and start the game before his menu has time to
appear/disappear. Don't use the drop out function.
Carrington Villa Residence:
Part One: (Level modifier code)
810800B8 0001
810800BA 0184
810800BC 0183
810800BE 013C
80084BF9 002C
81080210 020A
81084BFC 568B
81084C14 50FF
810805F8 0001
810805FA 0184
810805FC 0183
810805FE 013C
80085149 002C
81080750 020A
8108514C 568B
81085164 50FF
Part Two: (Weapons and ammo)
814F7D76 006D
814F7DDE 006C
814F7E86 006E
814F7F2E 01CE
814F7F96 005D
814F803E 01CC
814F80E6 0210
814F814E 0064
814F81F6 0062
814F829E 022B
814F8456 004B
814F84BE 004C
814F8566 0049
814F860E 01B0
814F8676 0224
814F871E 0225
814F87C6 01AC
814F882E 01A1
814F88D6 01A2
814F897E 01B7
814F89E6 022C
814F8A8E 01B8
814F8B36 0008
814F8B9E 0009
814F8C46 0007
814F8CEE 01AE
814F8D56 019C
814F8DFE 019D
Part Three: (All Objects)
814F8EA4 0029
814F8EA6 0174
814F8F5C 804F
814F8F5E 8F7C
814F9038 804F
814F903A 8EA0
814F8F80 0029
814F8F82 0175
814F905C 0029
814F905E 0172
814F9114 804F
814F9116 9134
814F91F0 804F
814F91F2 9058
814F9138 0029
814F913A 0173
814F9214 0029
814F9216 0170
814F92CC 804F
814F92CE 92EC
814F93A8 804F
814F93AA 9210
814F92F0 0029
814F92F2 0171
814F93CC 0029
814F93CE 0176
814F94AA 016F
814F9512 015D
814F957A 016E
814F95E2 0165
814F964A 0164
814F96B2 015E
814F971A 016D
814F9782 016C
814F97E8 0029
814F97EA 0177
814F98C4 0029
814F98C6 017B
814F99A0 0029
814F99A2 0190
814F9A7C 0029
814F9A7E 018F
814F9B58 0029
814F9B5A 0178
814F9C34 0029
814F9C36 0179
814F9D10 0029
814F9D12 018C
814F9DEC 0029
814F9DEE 018B
814F9EC8 0029
814F9ECA 017C
814F9FA4 0029
814F9FA6 017D
814FA080 002A
814FA082 017E
814FA0D8 42B0
814FA15A 080D
814FA15C 0032
814FA15E 0191
Part Four: (Lock Doors)
814F90CE 0020
814F91AA 0020
814F9286 0020
814F9362 0020
814FA0F2 0020
Part Five: (Hills and Respawns)
NTSC AND PAL (Respawns)
814FA23E 01CD
814FA24A 01C9
814FA256 0060
814FA262 004D
814FA26E 01A3
814FA27A 01BF
814FA286 0014
814FA292 01B5
814FA29E 01BB
814FA2AA 01B2
814FA2B6 01B3
814FA2C2 0226
NTSC (Hills)
800AC11D 0009
810AC122 01CD
810AC124 01C9
810AC126 0065
810AC128 0052
810AC12A 01B6
810AC12C 001B
810AC12E 01BB
810AC130 01A7
810AC132 0028
PAL (Hills)
800AC6BD 0009
810AC6C2 01CD
810AC6C4 01C9
810AC6C6 0065
810AC6C8 0052
810AC6CA 01B6
810AC6CC 001B
810AC6CE 01BB
810AC6D0 01A7
810AC6D2 0028
Part Six: (Capture the Case Bases)
810AC128 01CD
810AC12C 01CC
810AC12E 01CE
810AC130 005B
810AC132 005F
810AC134 005D
810AC136 005E
810AC138 0019
810AC13C 001A
810AC13E 001B
810AC140 001C
810AC142 0009
810AC144 0008
810AC146 0007
810AC148 0035
810AC14C 0036
810AC14E 01A3
810AC150 01A4
810AC152 01BD
810AC154 01BE
810AC156 0037
810AC158 0226
810AC15C 000F
810AC15E 000E
810AC160 0234
810AC162 000B
810AC164 000A
810AC166 000D
810AC6C8 01CD
810AC6CC 01CC
810AC6CE 01CE
810AC6D0 005B
810AC6D2 005D
810AC6D4 005E
810AC6D6 005F
810AC6D8 0019
810AC6DC 001A
810AC6DE 001B
810AC6E0 001C
810AC6E2 0007
810AC6E4 0008
810AC6E6 0009
810AC6E8 0035
810AC6EC 0036
810AC6EE 0037
810AC6F0 01A3
810AC6F2 01A4
810AC6F4 01BD
810AC6F6 01BE
810AC6F8 0226
810AC6FC 000A
810AC6FE 000B
810AC700 000D
810AC702 000E
810AC704 000F
810AC706 0234
Carrington Villa Rooftop:
Part One: (Level modifier code and lifts code)
810800B8 0001
810800BA 0184
810800BC 0183
810800BE 013C
80084BF9 002C
81080210 01E2
81084BFC 568B
81084C14 50FF
814FCB70 F441
814FCB74 ECC2
8107B69A 0150
814F8EB4 00C5
814F8EB6 009B
814F8F0C 009B
814F8F0E 009C
814FCAFA 0120
814F8F58 00C5
814F8F5A 004E
814F8FB0 004E
814F8FB2 004F
814FC5DC E7E8
814FC5E0 078A
810805F8 0001
810805FA 0184
810805FC 0183
810805FE 013C
80085149 002C
81080750 01E2
8108514C 568B
81085164 50FF
814FAD30 F441
814FAD34 ECC2
8107BB6A 0150
814F8EB4 00C5
814F8EB6 009B
814F8F0C 009B
814F8F0E 009C
814FACBA 0120
814F8F58 00C5
814F8F5A 004E
814F8FB0 004E
814F8FB2 004F
814FA79C E7E8
814FA79E FEB0
814FA7A0 078A
Part Two: (Weapons and ammo)
814F7D76 01ED
814F7DDE 01EC
814F7E86 01EE
814F7F2E 009A
814F7F96 0099
814F803E 0094
814F80E6 022B
814F814E 003B
814F81F6 003A
814F829E 0089
814F8306 0088
814F83AE 0083
814F8456 0008
814F84BE 0007
814F8566 0009
814F860E 0033
814F8676 0031
814F871E 0032
814F87C6 0005
814F882E 0004
814F88D6 0006
814F897E 0015
814F89E6 01B9
814F8A8E 0016
814F8B36 01B5
814F8B9E 01B6
814F8C46 0011
814F8CEE 0023
814F8D56 0022
814F8DFE 01BC
Part Three: (Objects)
814F8FEC 002A
814F8FEE 017F
814F90AE 1000
814F90A4 804F
814F90A6 90C4
814F9180 804F
814F9182 8FE8
814F90C8 002A
814F90CA 0180
814F918A 1000
814F91A2 080D
814F91A4 0032
814F91A6 0191
814F9280 002A
814F9282 017E
814F9342 1000
814F935C 002A
814F935E 0182
814F941E 1000
814F9438 016A
814F943A 019C
814F9446 0001
814F9494 016A
814F9496 019D
814F94A2 0001
814F94F0 016A
814F94F2 019E
814F94FE 0001
814F954C 016A
814F954E 019F
814F955A 0001
814F95A8 016A
814F95AA 01A1
814F95B6 0001
814F9604 016A
814F9606 01A2
814F9612 0001
814F9660 016A
814F9662 01A3
814F966E 0001
814F96BC 016A
814F96BE 01A4
814F96CA 0001
814F9718 016A
814F971A 01A5
814F9726 0001
814F9774 016A
814F9776 01A6
814F9782 0001
814F97D0 016A
814F97D2 01A0
814F97DE 0001
814F982C 017B
814F982E 01A7
814F983A 0001
814F9888 017B
814F988A 01A8
814F9896 0001
814F98E4 017B
814F98E6 01B0
Part Four: (More objects)
814F98F2 0001
814F9940 0167
814F9942 01AD
814F994E 0001
814F999C 0167
814F999E 01AE
814F99AA 0001
814F99F8 0167
814F99FA 01AC
814F9A06 0001
814F9A54 0167
814F9A56 01AB
814F9A62 0001
814F9AB0 0167
814F9AB2 01AF
814F9ABE 0001
814F9B0C 016E
814F9B0E 0226
814F9B68 003C
814F9B6A 0200
814F9BC4 003E
814F9BC6 0212
814F9C20 003E
814F9C22 020A
814F9C7C 005B
814F9C7E 00A1
Part Five: (Hills and Respawns)
NTSC AND PAL (Respawns)
814F9CDE 01B4
814F9CEA 003D
814F9CF6 009F
814F9D02 000F
814F9D0E 001E
814F9D1A 01B8
814F9D26 001D
814F9D32 0013
814F9D3E 0015
814F9D4A 01EC
814F9D56 0198
814F9D62 0001
814F9D6E 0194
814F9D7A 0196
814F9D86 0021
814F9D92 002E
NTSC (Hills)
800AC11D 0009
810AC122 01EC
810AC124 003D
810AC126 01B3
810AC128 0039
810AC12A 0211
810AC12C 000F
810AC12E 0205
810AC130 0050
810AC132 002C
PAL (Hills)
800AC6BD 0009
810AC6C2 01EC
810AC6C4 003D
810AC6C6 01B3
810AC6C8 0039
810AC6CA 0211
810AC6CC 000F
810AC6CE 0205
810AC6D0 0050
810AC6D2 002C
Part Six: (Capture the Case Bases)
810AC128 0238
810AC12C 01EC
810AC12E 0095
810AC130 019A
810AC132 00A0
810AC134 0198
810AC136 0094
810AC138 0039
810AC13C 003B
810AC13E 0038
810AC140 003C
810AC142 003E
810AC144 003F
810AC146 0040
810AC148 0219
810AC14C 01B3
810AC14E 0000
810AC150 01FE
810AC152 000C
810AC154 0002
810AC156 01FF
810AC158 0053
810AC15C 0054
810AC15E 0056
810AC160 0057
810AC162 0058
810AC164 005A
810AC166 0213
810AC6C8 0238
810AC6CC 01EC
810AC6CE 0095
810AC6D0 019A
810AC6D2 00A0
810AC6D4 0198
810AC6D6 0094
810AC6D8 0039
810AC6DC 003B
810AC6DE 0038
810AC6E0 003C
810AC6E2 003E
810AC6E4 003F
810AC6E6 0040
810AC6E8 0219
810AC6EC 01B3
810AC6EE 0000
810AC6F0 01FE
810AC6F2 000C
810AC6F4 0002
810AC6F6 01FF
810AC6F8 0053
810AC6FC 0054
810AC6FE 0056
810AC700 0057
810AC702 0058
810AC704 005A
810AC706 0213
Version 1.1
D109C7E4 0030
8109940A 76D0
D109C7E4 0020
8109940A 7690
D00714DB 0002
8109940A EF30
D00714DB 0003
8109940A F070
D00714DB 0004
8109940A F070
Version 1.1
8109940A 76F0
D00714DB 0002
8109940A EF90
D00714DB 0003
8109940A F0D0
D00714DB 0004
8109940A F0D0